Why we think ours works better and what we think about summer treatment at Kline Dermatology. #
If you will be outside or in the sun, watching the covid hibernation anxieties fade in a properly socially distanced way Then DELAY.
If indoor hibernation(regularly, covid-avoidance, or stormy weather break) is in your stars then pretend you live in Sunny Florida and reduce the need for efudex and imiquimod. Even our modified application of those Rx causes reactions unpleasant to sone in the heat. However, mask time makes the treatment easier and sun avoidance for 28 hours after treatment is much easier.
Why our PDT works so well?
Microdermabrasion removes scale and crust allowing better penetration into important spots.
3M microneedles with zero pain! allow portals of levulan penetration into all areas.
When possible we go to 1 1/2 to 2 hours to make things happen faster.
Chasing the remaining bad cells with imiquimod or dovonex/5FU will enhance the medical and also the cosmetic result!
Less Surgery as seen throughout Dermatologic literature.
Appointments are available for squeeze ins. No queue for PDT and spot on timing for rainy days.